Supply Water leakage Protection System KMP-V


Supply Water Leakage Protection System KMP-V employs flow measurements from an ultrasonic meter, fetched regularly via a digital interface from a Kamstrup MULTICAL®61/62 water meter, to which the flow meter is attached.
Two monitoring functions are used together with the fetched flow values for protecting the installation from leakage, as the KMP-V closes the cut-off valve when a leak is detected by either monitor.
Component errors reported in the water meter's INFO code are propagated by the KMP-V as System Error Alarms.

System Diagram KMP-V


PSALM® is a data processing method using the flow spectrum to dynamically calculate discharge, so that this may decline when flow reduces.
Thereby in a given installation operation will be possible at a lower alarm limit or, given an alarm limit, more consumers can be tolerated.
PSALM® can also compensate to a degree for the data reduction resulting from limitations in time or volume resolution of a flow meter.


Alarm and Event log
KMP-V maintains a log of the 250 most recent events and alarms, such as power down/up, alarm- and error messages, acknowledgements and automatic resets, key input, control signal changes, state changes and sequence execution.

Jumper log
KMP-V maintains a log of the 15 most recent setting changes of the internal jumpers.

These logs contribute to the investigation and documentation of actual events.


On delivery, KMP-V is attached to the DanTaet Alarm and Energy Registration System AERS, which conveys leakage alarms to the duty watch of the property and illustrates the event. AERS transmits alarms in the form of text messages and/or e-mail, and alarms may be remotely acknowledged from the recipient's smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Example: situation view from AERS.

System Capacity and head loss Dimensions
Nom. Cap.
Qn (m³/h)
 ΣΔp@Qn Equivalent
Kvs (m³/h)
(mwc) (kPa) Flow Meter Valve
KMPV-1,6-V1 1,6 2,53 25,3 3,18 ½" x 110 mm ¾" x 80 mm
KMPV-2,5-V1 2,5 0,42 4,2 12,2 ¾" x 190 mm ¾" x 80 mm
KMPV-4-V1 4 0,93 9,3 13,2 1" x 260 mm 1" x 90 mm
KMPV-6,3-V1 6,3 2,24 22,4 13,3 1" x 260 mm 1¼" x 110 mm
KMPV-10-V1 10 0,65 6,5 39,2 1½" x 300 mm 1½" x 120 mm
KMPV-16-V1 16 1,63 16,3 39,6 DN50 x 270 mm 2" x 140 mm
KMPV-25-V1 25 0,71 7,1 94 DN65 x 300 mm DN65 x 46 mm
KMPV-40-V1 40 0,6 6,0 163 DN80 x 300 mm DN80 x 46 mm


Variant -V0 is used where cut-off on alarm is not permitted.
Variant -V1SRNO is used where the cut-off valve must open in the event of mains power failure.
Variant -M0 is used where an MC61/62 billing meter may be employed.

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