Supply Water Leakage Protection System KMP-V

System KMP-V Application:
Domestic and commercial installations

  • Kamstrup MULTICAL®61/62 water meter
  • Stainless Steel Cutoff valve
  • For MC61/62: Data Interface Module
  • KMP-V flow computer with 12 months
    attachment to AERS
Ill.: system KMPV-1,6-V1

Monitoring Functions

Issued when the volume of a single, continuous discharge exceeds a preset limit.
A discharge is considered continuous as long as its indicated flow exceeds the preset cut-off value, or as long as the indicated flow does not decline (PSALM®)

Seepage Alarm:
Issued when the flow of the installation fails for an entire test interval (normally 24 hrs) to drop below a preset limit.

System Error:
System Error Alarm is issued when the cutoff valve fails to close tight, when an internal voltage supply fails, when the Kamstrup MULTICAL® reports an error, and when no flow is registered for an appreciable time out of Holiday mode, or in Hi consumption phase.
System errors cause no installation cut-off.

Operating Modes:
Monitoring employs different sensitivities in High and Low consumption phases. Switching between phases can be manual (Holiday button), automatic via AIA (burglar alarm), or automatic via attached PIR motion sensors.
When 'Free Discharge' is activated, the current discharge limit may be exceeded without raising an alarm; this condition is revoked automatically upon expiry of a pre-set time, or if the key is reactivated before that.

KMP-V can perform an automatic run-in over a 14-day period. During run-in, KMP-V stores flow data for analysis and does not monitor the installation.
Run-in complete, KMP-V calculates monitoring parameters accoring to the observed consumption. Depending on internal jumper settings, one or more of these parameters will be instated when run-in terminates.

Alarm Functions

On leakage errors, system KMP-V cuts off the installation, issues alarm visibly and audibly at the front panel, and deactivates the alarm relay.
System errors are reported via an alarm relay, and visibly and audibly if possible.
Valve errors are reported visibly. In the Low consumption phase, leakage alarm relay action may be postponed until termination of the phase.

Valve Functions

A number of different valve functions are possible depeding on external signals from burglar or fire alarms, door switches on fire hose cabinets, valve switches on free-hanging fire hoses, or attached motion sensors. Furthermore, KMP-V may be supplied with a spring-return type cut-off valve, and is thus able to meet particular requirements from various authorities.


Status, Data and Alarm Indicators, Buzzer.
Keys for alarm mute and acknowledge, manual valve control, Free Discharge and Holiday select.
Two digital control inputs, three digital outputs, and two fail-safe floating SPDT alarm/signal relays.

Permissible discharge adjustable 10-20-50-100-200-500-1000-2000 liters.
Cutoff adjustable 10-20-50-100-200-500-1000-2000 l/h (std), or 0-14% of q3 (PSALM®)

Seepage Alarm:
Idle Period adjustable 10-20-50-100-200-500-1000-2000 sec.
Tolerance adjustable 1-2-5-10-20-50-100-200 impulses

Valve tightness check/exercise:
Execution: 1x/day.

Mains Connection:
230V 50Hz L/N/PE via key switch.
Power consumption max 20VA.


Liquid Sensor attachment:
System KMP-V may via interface ILS-C accept up to two liquid sensors type LS-X, providing select protection of sensitive areas with optional cut-off.

By attachment to AERS system KMP-V may text mobile phone(s) on alarm.

PIR Motion Sensor:
By attaching PIR sensors, KMP-V can perform automatic phase switching and valve control (patent applied for).


Download System KMP-V data sheet in pdf format
